Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ULTRASOUND and such...

Well, we've had some stress over the last few weeks. Here in Hawaii, they automatically have you do the quad screen which is a blood test that looks at levels of proteins to help determine if the baby is at risk for Down's Syndrome, neural tube defects, and Edward's Syndrome. It has a really high false positivity rate and my mom and sister in-laws don't agree with having it if you aren't at risk...I feel exactly the same. And it's so true, the stress is crazy. We had an abnormal test and had to go meet with a genetic counselor and have the ultasound done at the Fetal Diagnostic Center. The test was abnormal for Down's, so we decided to have an amniocentesis since it's the only way to determine if the baby does have Down's.

With that said...the ultrasound was amazing! The baby was moving so much! It was so surreal seeing all the fingers and toes, and that little body. We can't wait until the baby is here.

So, that was last week. Today was probably the happiest day of our lives. The center called and the baby is fine!!! What a relief! Plus, we also confirmed that we are having a girl. A baby girl! Below is a picture from the ultrasound. I know it's not the best, but it's as good as I could get it. It's the baby's head, chest and arm.

I also started a blog for the baby. Take a look at it, This is where I'll post things that are only for the baby. Take care, and I hope to blog again soon.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad everything is OK! Yay little girl!

Sharon/Mom said...

We are so glad everything turned out okay. WE are delighted that we will now have an equal number of grandsons and grandaughters.
You look great. It was good to see pitures of you.

Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

Phew! What wonderful news. And a girl!!! Yay!!!! Congratulations--I'm so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

We are so glad that all is well with you and the baby!! And a girl also great..she is going to be J&A

Melissa said...

Yipee!!! Little newbie is fine and healthy and ready to play... She'll get to wear pink not just neutral ;)