Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

First, I wanted to say a few things I'm thankful for...
* My wonderful Richard, who is my soulmate and best friend, and who allows me to be me
* Our baby girl who is healthy and will bless our lives in less than 2 months
* Our health, aside from the random cold here and there
* Our families, who continue to support us as our lives keep changing
* Our friends, who help keep us sane and keep us laughing

We would both love to be with our families this year, but that's not possible. Hopefully, next year we will be able to share this holiday with one of them. We wish you all good health and great happiness. Enjoy the food and the company. You will all be in our thoughts tomorrow. Gobble, gobble.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Polihua and LPSC

Another one of our days off, way back in April, we went down to Polihua beach and then went to Lanai Pines Sporting Clays (LPSC).

Polihua is on the North side of the island and is usually very windy. That's why we just went down for a little while.

Here's Richard having some fun running up the sand...

King of the Hill!!!

Just like all the other beaches on Lanai, Polihua is gorgeous. It was a pretty calm day and the views were great.

Then we went up the LPSC for some more fun. We did some archery and then sporting clays. We had a great time and I can say that I SUCK! Richard kicked my butt in clays.

I recommend doing sporting clays if you ever have a chance. It was a blast!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

30 Week Ultrasound

Richard and I went to our last ultrasound appointment yesterday. Thank God! It was great being able to see the baby again, but the best part was finding out that she's okay. She grew into her kidneys, so there is nothing to worry about anymore. I'll post more info about her on her own site, so check that out.

After that appointment, we met with Dr. Ponder, my OBGYN. Everything is still going great with my pregnancy. I am 30 weeks and measure 30cm, as the Dr. said, "perfect". My weight gain is fine, even though I haven't gained anything the last 7 weeks. (It's hard to believe I've only gained 15 pounds and I'm that huge.) She reminded me that the baby will take whatever she needs from me. The biggest news from this appt, was that she wants me to be on Oahu at 35 weeks. This means that my last day at work will be Dec. 15 and she wants me over there on the 16th. I'm not too happy about this, since I will miss the holidays with Richard. But I am also understanding. Some of you may know my history of high blood pressure...that's why I have to go over so early. At any time, it can get high and that puts baby and me at risk. Plus, I will feel a lot better being over there, since we have no idea when she will actually come. Everyone thinks she is going to come early, including me.

So, to put things in perspective. This is the last day of work is in 4 weeks and I leave for Oahu, and in another 2 weeks Richard will be over there with me, then the baby is due 3 weeks following that. It still feels so far away, but time is going to fly from now on. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


OMG! This is a night for great change. We have a new president, and that's not all...we have our FIRST black president! I'd say our country is shouting that it's ready for change, especially since Obama won by a landslide. I am so very excited and relieved to have him for a president. I think he will do a fabulous job. And I think the USA will be back on it's feet in no time.

Monday, November 3, 2008

28 Weeks...almost 29

OMG! and Whoa!! I'm now almost 29 weeks, in the third trimester, and my belly is getting huge. But from the last picture to now, I haven't gained any weight. She has just gotten much bigger. Now she is probably almost 3 pounds and close to 15 inches long. We all think she is going to be really long and probably a big baby. It won't be long until we know in person. :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day Light Savings

This post is just an FYI to everyone. Hawaii does not change times for day light savings. So, we are now one hour closer to you all. Central time is now 4 hours ahead and Eastern time is now 5. I'm hoping this makes talking with everyone a little easier. Happy Sunday!