Here I am riding down Bowman Woods Hill in a saucer. It was such a nice day. The sun was shining and the kids were having a blast...big kids too.
Here's Eric walking back up the hill with a sled. There's no other way to get back to the top.
Below is Brian with Sean. I think Sean had enough by this time. He was getting a little tired.
I loved taking this picture. Nick is making a snow angel. He was also eating snow, but I didn't post that one. (You know you did it too)
We were at our elementary school, so there are swings, jungle gyms, and merry-go-rounds to have fun on. Below are David and Nick playing on the merry-go-round.
I can't really remember what David was doing here...
Richard had never held a baby until spending time with my family. He had a chance to hold both Lauren, 3 months (my mom has that picture so I couldn't post it), and Sabra (below), 7 months. In just a few short months, he'll get a lot of practice and I can't wait.
Here I am with Sabra, spending a little time before I leave. They grow up so fast, I just got a new picture of her and she has changed so much. I wish I had a few of Lauren, but they're on Mom's camera.
I know I didn't put these in order. So, here's a few more sledding. Here's Brian pulling David and Nick up the hill. What a workout!
We knew we wouldn't see snow for quite a while. We had to take advantage of it. I love this picture!
And here's Mom...taking a break from all the fun.
Richard and I had a great time. We can't wait until we are all back together again. And next time, there will be another baby to join in the fun. Like they say...the more the merrier. :)