Wednesday, February 13, 2008


As most of you know...and if not, now you do...I'm predominately German. I remember having traditional, family-style, German food in the Amana Colonies and had always wanted to go to the Chicago Brauhaus. So, I was having lunch with Sara and we were planning my final weekends in Chicago, and I said "I have to go to the Brauhaus before I leave". It was on; we decided the weekend at that moment. We had a great time. I wish I went there years ago and then I would have had the chance to eat and drink many times.

Fabulous! The Chicago Brauhaus sign and me next to the Stiegl sign.

Oh, Okay, Yeah, We're almost ready, but it still turned out to be a great picture of Sara and me. And on the other side of the tabel is Matt, Cindy, and Happ (his full name is Michael Happ, just so you know). The stein of beer was the drink for the evening.

WOW! Is that the most gigantic shank you've ever seen? I don't think I've ever seen anything like that, but it tasted delicious. And too bad Cindy was next to Matt (she's a vegetarian, and to us non-vegetarians it smelled wonderful, but to was disgusting)

MMMMMM!!!! Again, a stein of the dark, delicious German bier.

Okay, so, I wasn't having the head cheese..which is below on the left. Happ and I both had the Brauhaus Special (see right). But the appetizer was head cheese. I just couldn't do it, but I did try it...and I thought it was absolutely disgusting. Sara and Happ enjoyed it. Sara said it tasted like braunschweiger (that's liverwurst to you non-Germans). As my father would say, "to each his own".

"Yes, Sara, this one's for you!" Sara had been to the Brauhaus before for drinks and the same band was there. The singer through a little "shout out" (via pointing) to her for this song. The band consisted of an acordian player and the singer who played guitar. They were great!

It was our friend David's b-day party that day too. So, we all went over to Fat Cat to say hi. But we were a little early so I decided we needed more pictures. Once again, the self-portrait of me and Happ, and then Miss Cindy and Miss Sara.

Awe, a little brotherly love. Happ and Matty have a moment.

So cute!

So, this is an empty glass of my favorite drink. If you don't know, it's a Manhattan. I have a funny and interesting story of my fav drink from when I was first in Hawaii. If you haven't heard it, let me know...I'll tell you. All I'll say is that it has to be made with Makers!

Here's the b-day boy! Happy Birthday David!

We had a great time! What a fun night! And I'll leave it at that. ;)


Aunt Cathy said...

Lisa, Your Grandpa used to love head cheese. He liked it when they made it in Westphalia, they combined it with chicken. He would be thrilled that you at least tried it.

Jules said...

What a fun night out! You guys look like you're having a blast. I can't wait to see you all next weekend!