Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Pics

I wanted to post a few pictures from our Thanksgiving dinner. We didn't pull all the stops, but did a pretty good job for just two of us. The turkey came out great! It was beautiful. Richard made his mom's sausage stuffing, and it was delicious! We had left over for days...

Here's Richard carving the turkey. Yummy!!

We decided to show you all what piggys we are. Richard had the two plates on the right.

Happy Thanksgiving again!


Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

Yum! That looks delicious. I'm sure it was a fabulous gourmet meal, knowing you! :-)

Melissa said...

That looks delicious! I love Thanksgiving dinner :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like thanksgiving dinner at our house...Rich hope the stuffing was as good as moms...wish you all the best