Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

First, I wanted to say a few things I'm thankful for...
* My wonderful Richard, who is my soulmate and best friend, and who allows me to be me
* Our baby girl who is healthy and will bless our lives in less than 2 months
* Our health, aside from the random cold here and there
* Our families, who continue to support us as our lives keep changing
* Our friends, who help keep us sane and keep us laughing

We would both love to be with our families this year, but that's not possible. Hopefully, next year we will be able to share this holiday with one of them. We wish you all good health and great happiness. Enjoy the food and the company. You will all be in our thoughts tomorrow. Gobble, gobble.


Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! It really has been quite an amazing year.

Sharon/Mom said...

Happy Thanksgiving hope you dinner turns out well. WE miss you.

Melissa said...

That was really sweet! Happy Thanksgiving to all three of you. Enjoy your dinner...

Aunt Cathy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all four of you (can't forget my Izzy), We missed you alot. We did not travel to Iowa this year either. Will talk to you soon. Love you.