Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Polihua and LPSC

Another one of our days off, way back in April, we went down to Polihua beach and then went to Lanai Pines Sporting Clays (LPSC).

Polihua is on the North side of the island and is usually very windy. That's why we just went down for a little while.

Here's Richard having some fun running up the sand...

King of the Hill!!!

Just like all the other beaches on Lanai, Polihua is gorgeous. It was a pretty calm day and the views were great.

Then we went up the LPSC for some more fun. We did some archery and then sporting clays. We had a great time and I can say that I SUCK! Richard kicked my butt in clays.

I recommend doing sporting clays if you ever have a chance. It was a blast!!


Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

You guys have been doing so many cool things! I love the shots of you two on the side of your blog--especially the one with Izzy!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous it looks so warm and beautiful… Good to see new pics and soak up the sun!!Jenn

Melissa said...

I need to get back down to Polihua. I haven't been down there since I first moved here and It's so beautiful there.

Maybe that will be the next adventure we take :)