Monday, June 9, 2008

Computer Update

HI!!! It seems like it's been forever since I've written anything. But here's the computer update...

Rich found out that his hard drive crashed! And this was after a co-worker had his computer for over a month. Not good news...but his computer was still under warranty. THANK GOD we don't have to buy another one. He called Gateway and another hard drive is on its way. I'm hoping it will be here soon. Once it is, you'll see so many posts from the last four months.

Wow! I can't believe it's been 4 months already. It's gone so fast. I can't wait to share what's been going on in our lives. I hope you are all doing well and I'll hopefully be back to blogging regularly very, very soon.



Sharon/Mom said...

Glad to hear that you will soon be able to keep in touch with everyone.
Love ya,

Jules said...

Yay! An update! I can't wait to see more photos and hear about what you guys have been up to! I miss you!