Monday, April 14, 2008

We are still alive!

Aloha!! I know we haven't made any new postings since we left Chicago, but we are still alive and doing well. Rich's computer crashed as soon as we got internet connection. :( So, as soon as we get that fixed, you'll see postings all the time. Plus, the 50 million I'll have to catch up on.

Just some brief FYIs...I am now a concierge at the Four Seasons at Manele Bay. I'm loving it! The people I work with are great and it gives me a chance to learn much more about the island faster than I would have otherwise. Rich and I did Sporting Clays and Archery a week ago, and will go horseback riding tomorrow. We have driven down to Polihua beach and will go camping at Awaloa beach after horseback riding. We've already camped at Lopa beach and Hulopo'e beach twice. I never thought I'd camp this much in my life. IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!! Plus, Isabelle is officially a beach dog. She's loving it just as much as I am.

Well, soon you'll get to see some pictures and know what we've been up to. Rich and I wish you all the best and miss you all! Aloha from Lana'i.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Yay! Glad to see another blog post. Can't wait to talk to you and find out more about how you're doing in Hawaii! I miss you and can't wait to come visit you (courtesy of our wedding guests!).