Tuesday, January 22, 2008

National Sales Meeting 2008

Last week I was in San Antonio for our National Sales Meeting. It was a great time seeing everyone for, what might be, the last time. I've been with Ventana for 5 1/2 years and there are many things I will miss...especially when we all get together. Here are a few pictures from the week.

This is one of my oldest and best friends from Ventana. I've know Christina Reita since 2002...can't believe it! We have a lot of memories. She just moved to Philly with her husband Ken. You know I'll be visiting when Rich and I are back in the East! Love ya girl!!

This is me with Bill Davidson. I've known him for quite awhile and he actually ended up as one of our managers for a short time. I'm gonna miss you Big Bill!

AAAHHH, one of my closest friends at Ventana...Miss Dana Spears. We've known each other for a few years, but have become great friends in that short time. We've had many memorable times...I won't forget any of them. LOL sweetie!

WOW...look at these beautiful ladies at the awards ceremony! These are the girls of the North Central, Christine, Kelly, me, Dana, and Allison. Allison is going to be my replacement in Chicago. And she's going to rock!

We had a chance to take a boat ride on the River Walk. That was a great time! We had some crazy moments that day, didn't we girls?

Our last night in San Antonio was a costume party. The theme was heroes vs villains. We decided to go as greeks vs geeks from Revenge of the Nerds. You've got your Adams College Cheerleaders, a few Alpha Betas, Coach, and the fantastics nerds of the bunch. Excellent!

There are many things I'm going to miss about working for Ventana. I've learned a lot from so many people. Thank you for all the great times and memories!


Jules said...

It looks like you had a great trip! I hear the River Walk is cool. Love the costumes!

Lynda said...

Hi Lisa!
Glad you shared the pictures with us. I'm sure you're having a wonderful life in paradise! I'm still jealous you know! Good luck always to both of you.
Lynda (MMC Histology)