Saturday, December 29, 2007

R & R in Maui

Richard had a few days of Rest and Relaxation in Maui. I'm a little jealous. Chicago had 4-6 inches of snow when he was in beautiful 80 degree weather. But I just keep reminding myself that I will be there in less than 2 months.

Here's Rich by the pool at the Four Seasons in Maui. Look at those palm trees!

This is the harbour. I couldn't tell you the name of it, even if I could, I wouldn't be able to spell or pronounce it. I guess that will be one of the first things I need to do once I get there...practice saying Hawaiian words.

A couple views from the hotel. All I can say is...GORGEOUS, Absolutely Gorgeous!

Both of these pictures are of Lanai and were taken from the ferry. The bottom is of Sweetheart Rock. Now, go Google the story behind Sweetheart Rock and learn a little about Lanai. :)

1 comment:

Jules said...

Wow--I can't believe you actually get to live there! It's gorgeous! I can't imagine having that incredible view every day. So cool!