Friday, January 9, 2009

38 baby yet!

We went to the OB on Monday and things are progressing, but we have no idea when she will get here. I could go 40 weeks, ugh! But who knows, she could come at any time. At that appointment, I found out I'm 1-2 cm dialated, 60% effaced and the baby is at -1 station. I've been having small contractions periodically, but they haven't been painful or close together at all. My belly looks like an alien is inside when she moves now. There's a full moon tomorrow, so we're hoping that she comes this weekend sometime. I'm HUGE and I'm more than ready for her to get here. I've been in Honolulu for 4 weeks today! I'm ready to go home!

We had an ultrasound today and everything's great. She weighs approximately 7.5 lbs and her femur is 7.8cm long. She is definitely going to be one long baby! She's in the 58th percentile, so she's not too big and not too small.

Below are a few sunset pictures Richard took from our room. We have a pretty good view. We are staying in the Ala Moana Hotel. It's definitely a great place in a good location. Which makes staying here for so long a little easier.

Hopefully we'll have another blog very soon that will have a picture of the baby. Keep your fingers crossed!


Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

Oh, man, you must be ready to burst! I'm glad the baby is healthy and kicking. Hopefully she'll show herself soon, and then you can go back home!

Melissa said...

Oh man I bet you are SO ready!!! The little babe is still cookin'. Geez, how long have you been pregnant now? Did you hear that Fran is expecting?

Be@utiful said...

We miss you girly! Jaime is planning to come back to work already...the end of this month, she should be back fully...let us know when you pop! Fran is expectign and I'm still trying, hopefully this month...we'll see next week...I'll let you know. So Fran is expecting and so is Joanna at KFAS! TTYL!